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Mahlo presents quality control “Made in Germany” at ICE Europe

It’s ICE time again in Munich! From March 12 to 14, 2019 the international leading trade fair for finishing and processing of paper, film and foil draws a professional audience from all over the world. At stand A5-1510 they can discover for themselves the wide range of quality control technology of the German machine manufacturer, Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG.

“Manufacturers are not only concerned about sustainability with the manufacturing process and the end product. In addition, coating processes become increasingly demanding to meet the expectations of the customers”, says Mahlo’s Area Sales Manager, Matthias Wulbeck. The expert for quality measuring technology knows: “With the Qualiscan QMS we offer a solution that facilitates new standards to coating operations.” With the renowned on-line measuring and control solution, sensors traverse on stable measuring frames across the entire fabr


ic width and determine parameters such as thickness, basis weight, density, application thickness and moisture. At the same time, they log and control the required features. Depending on the application and the product, beta, X-ray or infrared emitters are used.


Mahlo’s exhibits at ICE 2019

At the ICE Mahlo also presents the measuring bridge Webpro XS, the most compact version of the O-frames. Installation is therefore possible even where space is at a premium. The Webpro XS manages product width from 0.2 to two metres and can accommodate one Mahlo sensor. Depending on the model, it measures key parameters such as film thickness, moisture or basis weight.

Interested parties can observe on special demo towers how exactly measurements are carried out and how the results are presented in a clearly arranged manner. With them Mahlo introduces two sensors from the comprehensive portfolio, which are used especially with complex requirements. The Infralot IMF measures important product specific parameters such as moisture and coating weight by optical analysis of reflected light energy in the near infrared range without contact. Using the Same Spot Technology makes the analysis in parallel possible. Depending on the application, the Infralot IMF is available as transmission or backscatter sensor.

The Optoscope WLI is employed for especially thin coats where other systems reach their limits. The sensor is able to measure varnish coats down to a thickness of 0.4 μm using the white light interference method. With adhesive coats on polymer film measurement of minute applications down to 1 μm is possible. What’s more, the Optoscope WLI is able to determine even extremely thin coats in the nm range indirectly with aqueous or solvent-based applications on film, depending on the solids content. The constant ongoing development of the sensor has ensured that practically no passline effect occurs. This guarantees extremely precise measuring results.

Saving costs and energy

“Especially in the finishing industry, transparent production processes help save cost and increase product quality” says Wulbeck. Mahlo possesses comprehensive experience and a wide range of measuring technologies. Eleven different sensors are available for the Qualiscan QMS quality measurement system using also, in addition to the methods mentioned, beta and X-ray transmission, laser triangulation or light band shadowing. Developing the right concept for nearly any application is the goal. The Mahlo Team looks forward to interesting conversations and questions about the latest development at booth A5-1510

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