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German technology meets Peruvian textile industry

Peru has since long been more than an insider tipp – not only for travelling but also for textile machine builders. Mahlo’s Area Sales Manager Miguel Lessel therefore has taken the opportunity to take part in a business trip, organized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, to fathom existing activities as well as the market potential of the local textile industry. Together with other representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises he established new contacts. For local producers, Lessel introduced the renowned Mahlo solutions for measuring and controlling textile goods.



The Peruvian textile market with its 5000 years long tradition can not only look back to a splendid past: in the future, the sector will also be an important pillar for its country’s success. Over the last few years, Peru has made a name for itself as popular production site for well-known US brands and designers. High quality production facilities, the proximity to the headquarters – compared to Asian competition – and competitive pricing support the South Americans.


BMWi know Peru’s potential and supports small and medium sized enterprises from the texile machinery sector, to find new business contacts. Expert Workshops, company tours and meetings are therefore part of the trip’s program.


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