Blutec 30 años de experiencia en el mercado

BRÜCKNER Heat-recovery and exhaust air pollution control at Getzner AG

Getzner AG in Vorarlberg, Austria is today the leading company for the production of African damask fabrics and one of the leading manufacturers of shirt fashion fabrics. Figure 1: Getzner AG in Bludenz, Austria. The new production halls at Getzner AG’s main plant in Bludenz, fabrics are woven and finished for ready-made garments. The fabrics … Leer más

Concrete Proposals For Tomorrow’s Composites From HOFZET® And Vandewiele

  January 22, 2019 The special double-rapier weaving loom and Vandewiele Jacquard attachment at the Open Hybrid Lightweight Campus (OHLF) in Wolfsburg, Germany. The special double-rapier weaving loom and Vandewiele Jacquard attachment at the Open Hybrid Lightweight Campus (OHLF) in Wolfsburg, Germany. Unique Vandewiele jacquard technology is proving central to research exploring the potential of … Leer más

KARL MAYER’s New Warp Knitting Machine TM WEFT Is Launched Successfully In China

January 18, 2019 OBERTSHAUSEN, Germany — January 18, 2019 — A well attended in-house event was held in Changzhou from January 15-18, 2019, to launch KARL MAYER’s new warp knitting machine with weft insertion. Karl Mayer has developed a new warp knitting machine with weft insertion, the TM WEFT, and successfully launched this new machine … Leer más

Textile-Circuit From KARL MAYER – Warp Knitting Technology Produces Innovative E-Textiles

January 29, 2019 OBERTSHAUSEN, Germany — January 28, 2019 — Textiles can be used for heating, cooling and lighting. They can measure the heart rate, as well as monitor soil erosion on slopes, and can even be launched into space for use as space reflectors – as long as they are electrically conductive. The electrical … Leer más

México, Sede del European Textile Machinery Road Show

La Ciudad de México fue sede del primer día de rondas de negocios realizadas dentro del European Textile Machinery Roadshow y Puebla fue el escenario del segundo día de sesiones. Jannyn Solis ( Textiles Panamericanos ) (De izq. a der.) Angela Lalatta, Directora de Amec Amtex; Peter Banham, General Representative de BTMA; José Cohen Sitton, … Leer más


By: Alberto Basically we are always and only looking for beauty, in all its forms. An outer beauty which corresponds harmoniously with the inner one. A beauty that is not necessarily canonical and objective, but on the contrary, iridescent, surprising, perhaps unsettling. Like the one imagined and designed by Juan Carlos Gordillo for the “Capsule … Leer más


19 OCTOBER 2018 By: At the next edition of the Kingpins Show in Amsterdam, Tonello will be presenting an exclusive collection of denim garments made in collaboration with Amy Leverton. Created under the banner of sustainability and memory. We’re calling it Re-invented in Italy, the “inspiring” event Tonello has imagined for the next edition of … Leer más


Todo el equipo de BLUTEC S.A. de C.V. queremos transmitir nuestra mas sincera felicitación a WATERNEXT MÉXICO por su incansable labor , realizada en estos últimos años en México , salvaguardando con su tecnología y dedicación, la protección del medio ambiente y el respeto ecológico de las plantas textiles Mexicanas. MUCHAS FELICIDADES Y LOGROS EN … Leer más


Mahlo collecting money with Christmas initiative Happy start in the New Year for the Prälat-Michael-Thaller-School of Abensberg: Principal Wolfgang Niemitz received a check over 300 Euro from Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG, which work council chairman Matthias Ziegler handed over on behalf the work council and die entire staff. During the pre-Christmas season, the machine … Leer más

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